How to set hanging indent in word online
How to set hanging indent in word online

how to set hanging indent in word online

  • Follow number with: This is what appears between the bullet or number and the text.
  • Text indent: Enter a number or use the side arrows to select the distance (in inches) away from the bullet or number that the text should appear.
  • Bullet position: Enter a number or use the side arrows to determine how far the bullet point or list number will be positioned away from the left margin (in inches).
  • When the small window appears, you can make changes to any or all of the following list indent settings:.
  • Right-click and select Adjust List Indents from the shortcut menu.
  • You can do this by clicking any one of them, which highlights them all.
  • Select the bullets or numbers in the list.
  • You can adjust the indent for both bulleted and numbered lists.

    how to set hanging indent in word online

    Whether you have your list complete or you’re still adding items to it, you can change the indent at any time. How to Adjust the Indent for an Entire List Here, we’ll show you how to change indents in Word for an entire list and a single item. For instance, you can adjust how far the points are indented from the left margin or alter the distance between the text and the bullet points.

    how to set hanging indent in word online

    Another change you may want to make when using a list in Microsoft Word is to adjust the indent for the bullet points or numbers.

    How to set hanging indent in word online